Business Broker Interview

Our CEO and lead business broker, Jeremy Acquilano, was recently interviewed on Remarkable Radio podcast to discuss how Almond Tree Group was formed, what set’s us apart from other business brokerages, and what to look for when searching for the right intermediary to work with.

You can watch the interview here: Spotlight: Jeremy Acquilano, Founder of Almond Tree Group

A key takeaway from the podcast is that whoever you hire to help sell your business, make sure they are looking out for your best interest. A lot of brokers are just interested in growing a listing inventory regardless of how salable to the businesses actually are. A good broker should first be a good advisor. They should help determine how much the business is worth, what the probability of it selling is, and what you can do to increase that value and attract more buyers.

Around 80%-90% of businesses that get listed for sale, never get sold! Don’t let your business become part of that statistic. Work with experts that will actually be honest about where your business stands and show you how you might be leaving money on the table.


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